The Best New Year destinations all around the world

Besides fashion, one of my biggest passions are travels, because I am future tourismologist.
Everyone likes to travel. Especially for this Holiday season. But, not so many people are in position to do that. If you planed to go somewhere, and like squirrel saved funds, hope you will have a lovely time.
Here is my suggestion of the best destinations from each continent where you could spend your New Year. There is something for everyone.

Pored mode, jedna od mojih najveci pasija su putovanja, jer sam buduci turizmolog.
Svi vole putovanja. Narocito za vreme praznika. Ali, mnogi na zalost nisu u poziciji da to i priuste sebi. Ukoliko ste planirali da otputujete negde, i kao veverica cuvali sredstva za to, nadam se da cete se lepo provesti.
A evo i mojih novogodisnjih predloga najboljih destinacija koje mozete posetiti na svakom od kontinenata, za svakoga po nesto.

New York - is probably (for most of the people) the first destination that will came up to their minds. And that does not need to surprise, because it's ''the capital of the world''. The city where the largest number of different languages than anywhere else in the world is spoken. Times Square is a traditional gathering place for both New Yorkers and tourists from all around the world which rally to this metropolis for the New Year.

Njujork - je verovatno (sto se vecine ljudi tice) prva destinacija na koju ce pomisliti. I to ne treba da cudi, jer je New York ''glavni grad sveta''. Grad u kome se govori veci broj razlicitih jezika nego bilo gde drugde na svetu. Times Square je tradicionalno mesto okupljanja kako Njujorcana, tako i turista sirom sveta  koji uvek pohrle ka ovoj metropoli za Novu godinu.

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Sydney - when I think of New Year fireworks, I always get the picture of Sydney's opera house and the bridge in my mind. Probably because repeatedly I always watch on the news how was it hours earlier in Australia. It is a lifetime experience to see that amazing, not fireworks, but
show! And to be at he place where is warm.

Sidnej - kada pomislim na novogodisnji vatromet, u mojoj glavi se uvek stvori slika Sidnejske opere i mosta u blizini. Verovatno zato sto uvek iznova na vestima gledam kako je bilo par sati ranije u Australiji. :) Neverovatno je prisustvovati tom, ne vatrometu, vec sou.

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Paris - the city of light, love, the most romantic city in the world.Who wouldn't want to spend last hours of 2013. and welcome 2014. in a magnificent city like this. Paris is magical through whole year, and probably more special for New Year's Eve.

Pariz - grad svetlosti, ljubavi, najromanticniji grad na svetu. Ko ne bi zeleo da provede poslednje sate 2013. i doceka 2014. u magicnom gradu kao sto je ovaj. Pariz je magican tokom cele godine, a jos vise tokom novogodisnje noci.

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Istanbul - the only city in the world lying on two continents. You can see it's charm especially through New Year festive. The clash of modern and traditional, east and west...this is a perfect destination to visit in any time of the year.

Istanbul - jedini grad na svetu koji lezi na dva kontinenta. Njegovu caroliju mozete osetiti narocito za vreme novogodisnjih praznika. Sudar modernog i tradicionalnog, istoka i zapada...savrsena destinacija za posetiti tokom cele godine.

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Rio de Janeiro - the city of free spirit, host of annual carnival, FIFA World  Cup 2014.You will not regret if you choose this town, because you will be led by it's festive atmosphere, smiling people and contagious dance. Feel the carnival atmosphere through the New Year days.

Rio de Zaneiro - grad slobodnog duha, domacin cuvenog karnevala, FIFA Svetskog prvenstva 2014-e godine. Necete zazaliti ukoliko izaberete ovaj grad, jer cete biti vodjeni festivalskom atmosferom, nasmejanim ljudima i zaraznim plesom.

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Cape Town - and South Africa is one of the best places to celebrate New Year's Eve if you like to party. Numerous Cape Town venues are hosting big party's with fireworks, music... Also, don't forget the big Minstrel Carnival (annual music festival) on January 1th.

Kejptaun - i juzna Afrika je jedno od najboljih mesta za proslavu Nove godine ukoliko volite da se zabavljate. Brojni lokali u Kejptaunu priredjuju velike zurke sa vatrometom, muzikom...Takodje, ne zaboravite da se 01. januara odrzava veliki Minstrel karneval (godisnji muzicki festival).

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Antarctica - believed or not you can welcome New Year even in Antarctica. Enjoying in untouched beautiful nature in this part of the world, sure is unique and not an ordinary way to spend your Holiday season.

Antarktik - verovali ili ne, Novu godinu mozete docekati i na Antarktiku. Uzivanje u netaknutoj prirodi u ovom delu sveta je svakako jedinstveni i neuobicajeni nacin da provedete predstojece praznike.

Image source Berghaus

Be Happy and Enjoy life,


  1. Great post very detail love how every place has they way in displaying the New Years.

  2. Love your list. I would love to live in new york!

    Defining Me

  3. I totally love travels too, but I know a lot of people who wanna travel but they are too scared because of job, different culture, languages etc.
    Big hugs,

  4. estupendo post, unas fotos preciosas, me encantan!

