Highlights of the month (November 2013) - for body, mind and soul

This month highlights are:

1. Body

My favourite was definitely the one inspired by Ulyana Sergeenko that brings back the spirit of 50's. Very feminine and sensual.

1. Odevna kombinacija

Moj favorit je definitivno kombinacija za koju je kao inspiracija posluzila Ulyana Sergeenko i  koja vraca duh 50-ih godina. Veoma zenstvena i senzualana.

The whole look in here
The others look from November you can see here here here and here

 2. Mind 

As a great admirer of the character and work of Nikola Tesla I recommend you to read something about this remarkable human being.
The one that I recently road: Prodigal Genius - The life of Nikola Tesla, John O' Neil.

2. Knjiga

Kao veliki postovalac lika i dela Nikole Tesle, preporucujem vam da procitate nesto o ovom izvanrednom ljudskom bicu.
Jedna od poslednjih koje sam procitala: Nenadmasni genije - Zivot Nikole Tesle, John O'Neal.

3. Soul

Homemade doughnuts


1 litre of oil (for frying)
3 eggs
4 spoons of sugar
1/2 margarine
1 1/2 kilograms of flour 
1 1/2 sachet of yeast
1/2 litre of milk 
lemon zest


Mix margarine with sugar, lemon zest and 3 eggs. After mixing that, add milk.
In the other bowl mix well flour (half) and yeast. Join these two mixtures with a mixer slowly adding more flour. Knead the dough well with your hands and put it to rest for one hour covered with cloth on a warm place. 
Make the dough up to 1.5 cm thick and start pulling out the doughnuts with a glass (before you put the glass on the dough first you put some flour on the edges of a glass - that way, you prevent the dough sticks to the class).
Fry them in a 1 litre of hot oil on a medium heat. 
*Extra advice: to prevent your oil to burn, put one slice of peeled potato and change it with another every time you pull out the doughnuts.
Bon appetit!

3. Recept

Domace krofnice 


1 litar ulja (za przenje)
3 jaja
4 kasike secera
1/2 margarina
1 1/2 kilograma brasna 
1 1/2 kesica suvog kvasca
1/2 litra mleka
kora limuna


Umutiti margarin sa secerom, korom limuna i jajima. Kada sjedinite ove sastojke dodati mleko i izmesati. U drugoj ciniji pomesati brasno (polovinu) i suvi kvasac. Sjediniti obe smese mikserom uz lagano dodavanje brasna. Umesiti testo rukama na radnoj povrsini, a zatim ubaciti u ciniju, pokriti krpom i staviti da odstoji sat vremena na toplom mestu.
Izraditi testo 1.5 cm debljine i casom vaditi krofnice (pre vadjenja krofnica casom, ivicu posuti brasnom - na taj nacin sprecavate lepljenje testa za casu).
Krofnice prziti u 1 litar ulja na umerenoj vatri.

*Dodatni savet: kako bi sprecili da vam zagori ulje, ubacivati u ulje kolutove oljustenog krompira i menjajte ih svaki put kada budete vadili krofnice.

Be Happy and Enjoy Life,


  1. lijep sažetak, divna je ova odjevna kombinacija inspirirana retro stilom.

  2. You have written this post so nicely. I love it!

    Would you like to follow each other?
    Defining Me

  3. nice post!


  4. you have a lovely blog <3 cool post!! love the doughnuts idea!
    kisses ;)

  5. Love that look with the white blouse and the bun in your hair!

    Monica Harmony's Blog

  6. You look beautiful thank you for sharing that delicious recipe will give it a try.

  7. I like the very first photo of this post. :)
