Beauty break - Shape your curls

Every hair style has it's bad and good things. The unwritten rule is, that not all, but many women with straight hair crave for curls and vice versa. I was no exception, but as the time was passing I stopped wishing something else. I am satisfied now, but now and then (as every women), I want to make a change. Just for a few days. :)
To get back to the topic. I wanted to post about products I use and used for shaping the curls.
It is hard to find a good hair creme, if you don't want to use mousse (because daily usage of mousse will affect your hair quality). Don't get me wrong. I don't have anything against it, if it is not on a regular basis. I use it too, once in a while. Because of that, one bottle lasts me for years. But, on the other hand no creme can reinforce the hair like mousse. Cremes are lighter textures, don't harm your hair that much and you can use it everyday. 
Conclusion: Creme for everyday, mousse for a ''special occasions''.
As for the prices, there are no big differences. Everything depends from a brand you choose. 
These are the products I've used:

Svaki oblik kose ima svoje dobre i lose strane. Nepisano je pravilo da, ne sve, ali vecina zena sa ravnom kosom zeli kovrdze i obrnuto. Ni ja nisam bila izuzetak, ali kako je vreme prolazilo, prestala sam da zelim nesto drugo, nesto sto nemam. Sada sam zadovoljna, ali povremeno (kao i svaka zena), i ja zelim da napravim promenu. Samo na nekoliko dana. :)
Nego, da se vratimo temi. Zelela sam da izbacim post o proizvodima koje koristim i koje sam koristila za oblikovanje kovrda.
Tesko je naci dobru kremu za kosu, ukoliko ne zelite da koristite penu (svakodnevna upotreba pene svakako utice na kvalitet kose). Nemojte me shvatiti pogresno. Nemam nista protiv toga, ukoliko nije redovno. I ja je koristim, ali povremeno. Upravo zbog toga mi jedna boca traje par godina. Ali sa druge strane, nijedna krema ne moze tako ucvrstiti kosu kao sto to moze pena. Kreme su laganije teksture, ne stete kosi toliko i mozete ih koristiti svakodnevno. 
Zakljucak: Krema za svaki dan, pena za ''specijalne prilike''.
Sto se cena tice, nije neka velika razlika. Sve zavisi od brenda koji izaberete.
Ovo su proizvodi koje sam ja koristila:

The first and probably the best I have tried, but a few years ago they pulled it from the market in Serbia. It was perfect formula, not sticky, defining the curls, restore their elasticity. My hair was not electrified - and that is one of my biggest problems when I wash my hair.  
Serbian product. I used it after Sunsilk, but although it was ok, it was not that good. I was not fully satisfied. But, the price is excellent - best of all.

Start it to use it after recommendation of my hairdresser. It's called liquid fluid, and can be bought (at least in Serbia) in some hair salons (you can also buy it online). It is not the best ''holder'' of your curls, but it can enhance the natural shape of curls.

The product I currently use and probably the best I've used, besides the  Sunsilk. The curls are very well shaped and enhanced, but I didn't solve the problem with electrified hair I have not completely solved.

Mousse specifically for curls - don't stick, strengthens and shape the curls. At the end, there is no better holder than mousse if you want to achieve long lasting toughness.

I didn't used this creme from Keune, but I am planing to try it for a while. It is the most  expensive from all mentioned, but I heard all the best about their products in general.

Be Happy and Enjoy life,


  1. Great review I wish I have hair like the model.

    1. Thank you Jackie. I agree, her hair is so beautiful! :)

  2. Curly hair is always a challenge to find the right product :) But thankfully they do exist!

  3. Love using L'Oreal spray for curls!:) great post!♥

    1. Thank you! Didn't try that L'Oreal spray, but thanks for sharing the information. I will, for certain, try it in the future! :)

  4. Sometimes I want really curly hair! xx

  5. love curly hair
    twitter & instagram : @fashionrlounge
    Fashion room lounge

    A chic kiss ;)

  6. SUCH A BEAUTIFUL HEADER OF YOUR BLOG! You are stunning!!!

    1. Thank you Ohana so much for your lovely comment. :)

  7. hello darling, u have a great blog, would u like to follow each other on gfc and facebook??? always follow back

  8. Great post, and some great product recommendations. Thanks for posting. For that hair you DON'T want to keep, there's Dorco. We're a shaving company and we provide high quality razors for a fraction of the cost you're probably paying now. Give them a try and see how smooth a shave you can get, all for 30-70% less than the cost of leading brands. Check out our prices for yourself and read what others have to say about the quality of our products at Thanks again for sharing!
