Highlights of the month (October 2013) - for body, mind and soul

Like in a previous month post, highlighted one thing for body, one for mind and one for soul.

Kao u postu iz prethodnog meseca, izdvojene, jedna odevna kombinacija, jedna knjiga, i jedan recept.

1. Body - This month I had more than one favorite, but I had to choose one, and it's Date night.(but Floral mood was very close) :)

1. Odevna kombinacija - Ovoga meseca sam imala više od jednog favorita, ali sam ipak morala da izberem jedan, i to je  Date night. (Floral mood je bio jako blizu) :)

2. Mind - Novel for all times-''The Lady of the Camellias" by Alexandre Dumas Young
2. Knjiga - Roman za sva vremena-''Dama sa kamelijama'' Alexandre Dumas Sin

3. Soul - Poor Pizza
I made it with the ingredients that I found in refrigerator, and that is why it got such a name. It may be poor, but it's delicious! As Jamie Oliver would say: ''When it comes to topping a pizza, the only thing you need to remember is: less is more.''
When I am making a dough, I usually make a little more, put it in a freezer and have it whenever I want to eat some pizza (I never buy dough in a supermarket-homemade always tastes better).
I am making dough from the recipe by famous chef  Wolfgang Puck

1 chopped tomato
100-150 gr. of cheese
2 slices of  bacon
oregano, chives 

Take the dough, dust your surface and the dough with a little flour. Roll it out-doesn't have to bee the precise circle, about 0,5 cm thick. Put on the chopped tomatoes and cheese. Season with oregano and chives and put the bacon on the top. Bake in the preheated oven, for 10-15 minutes at 250 ° C (bake until dough is golden brown and crispy).
Bon appetit!

3. Recept - Siromašna pica
Napravila sam je sa sastojcima koje sam našla u frižideru, zbog čega je i dobila takav naziv. Možda je siromašna, ali je izuzetno ukusna! Što bi Jamie Oliver rekao: ''Kada je reč o nadevu za picu, jedina stvar koju morate da zapamtite, jeste: manje je više.''
Kada pravim testo, obično napravim malo više, stavim u zamrzivač, tako da ga imam u svakom trenutku kada mi se prijede pica (nikada ne kupujem testo-domaće je uvek ukusnije). Testo pravim po receptu čuvenog kuvara Wolfgang-a Puck-a.

1 paradajz (iseckan)
100-150 gr. sira
2 parčeta slanine
origano, vlašac

Posipajte brašno po testu i po podlozi na kojoj ćete razviti testo. Razvucite testo - ne mora biti savršeno okruglo, do debljine od 0,5 cm. Na tako razvučeno testo, staviti iseckan paradajz i sir. Začiniti origanom i vlašcem i prebaciti slaninu odozgo. Peći u zagrejanoj rerni, 10-15 minuta na 250°C (peći dok testo ne porumeni). 

Be Happy and Enjoy life,


  1. looooove that lace top!!!!
    So pretty and feminine!


  2. Love your style! You look absolutely stunning!

    Monica Harmony's Blog

  3. love everythingg about this <3


  4. Hi babe!! Love your style and blog :-)!

    Big kiss!

  5. Love love the outfit

