Date night

I could not wait the occasion to wear this beautiful necklace that I got for my birthday. The first outfit that came up to my mind was this one. Perfect for a date night dinner with my love.
Red details always makes some outfit even better and effective, but also, that doesn't mean you need to exaggerate. Less is more.
Have a nice weekend! 

Jedva sam čekala priliku kada cu nositi ovu divnu ogrlicu koju sam dobila za rođendan. Prva kombinacija koja mi je pala na pamet je ova. Savršena za sastanak, za večeru sa voljenom osobom.
Crveni detalji uvek učine boljim i efektnijim svaku kombinaciju, ali, takođe, to ne znači da treba preterivati sa njima. Manje je više.
Uživajte u vikendu!

Tights - made by my seamstress,
Shirt - New Yorker,
Blazer - Stradivarius,
Shoes - Azalea,
Bag - DD,
Necklace - Zara,
Watch - Swiss military Hanowa

Be Happy and Enjoy life,