Beauty break-ARTDECO concealer

One of the products without which I can't imagine my make up is this ARTDECO camouflage cream. Because I have a problem with dark circles under the eyes I needed some good solution. I read about this camouflage cream on some forum and gave it a try. I am using it since then-for 3 or 4 years and I am more than satisfied. Even when I don't put any make up on, I put on only this.It is waterproof, covers flaws, acne...
It's not a big package (4,5 gr) but it lasts very long-I used the first one until recently.
If you are looking for perfect concealer, this may be your solution. Give it a try!

Jedan od proizvoda bez koga ne mogu je ova ARTDECO kamuflažna krema. Zbog problema koji imam sa podočnjacima, bilo mi je potrebno neko dobro rešenje. Pročitala sam o ovoj kamuflažnoj kremi na nekom od foruma i odlucila da je isprobam. Od tada je stalno koristim - već 3 ili 4 godine i prezadovoljna sam. Čak i kada ne stavim šminku, stavim samo nju. Vodootporna je, prekriva sve nepravilnosti, bubuljice...
Pakovanje nije veliko (4,5 gr), ali traje jako dugo - prvo pakovanje sam koristila do nedavno, tako da se isplati.
Ukoliko trazite savršen korektor, ovo može biti vaše rešenje.

Be Happy and Enjoy life,


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