Jacket or bag?

Image Source: Jeremy Scott  & Style

Jacket or bag? It really doesn't matter, it looks great!
Jeremy Scott, the new creative director of brand Moschino (as of few months) did the awesome job and made something weird but very interesting for his first Moschino Pre Fall 2014 collection. The stars of the collection are definitely bags ''wrapped'' in jackets.
The right way to make the entrance, and, if you ask me, he did terrific job! A match made in heaven and a winner combination.
Do you like it?

Jakna ili torba? Nije ni važno, izgleda fenomenalno!
Jeremy Scott, novi kreativni direktor brenda Moschino (od pre nekoliko meseci),  napravio je nešto po malo neobično, ali i veoma interesantno za svoju prvu Moschino jesen 2014. kolekciju. Zvezde kolekcije su bez sumnje torbe ''ogrnute'' jaknama. Pravi način da se ''stupi na scenu'', i, ukoliko mene pitate, posao je urađen sjajno! Definitivno najbolja moguća  i dobitna kombinacija.
Da li vam se dopada?

Be Happy and Enjoy life,


  1. Jao, sjajna ideja! I odlican post! :-)

  2. Hello from Spain: red bag is very original. I like. Very trendy. Keep in touch

  3. Nisam bila videla ovu kolekciju, sjajna ideja, nema sanse da prodjes neopazeno! Pozzz


  4. love moschino


  5. the bag is very cool :)


  6. Nice post!!! I added you by g+ now!
    Would you like to follow each other with GFC and Bloglovin?
    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥
