Sexiest Fashion Show in the World

There are no words left to describe the sexiest, most beautiful and glamorous fashion show in the World. As you probably assume, it is an Annual Victoria Secret fashion show.
Each year they set up the bar higher than a previous and succeed to make the most amazing party on the runaway. It is something that has to be seen. There is nothing like that. It's unique, the most amazing show, with great stage effects, the most luxurious jewelry, sexiest laundry, and one of the most beautiful women in the world.
As every year the show is divided in segments. This years themes or segments were: British Invasion, Birds of Paradise, Shipwrecked, Pink Network, Parisian Nights and Snow Angels. And the honor to wear this years Fantasy Bra (''Prior to each Fashion Show, Victoria's Secret contracts a renowned jewelry designer to craft the bra to be used as a focal point to promoting the fashion show as a centerpiece within it.''-Wikipedia) went to Candice Swanepoel.
Until the 10th of December (when the show will be aired), enjoy in photos...

Upotrebljene su sve reči koje bi opisale najseksipilniju, najlepšu i najglamurozniju reviju na svetu. Kao što verovatno pretpostavljate, u pitanju je godišnja revija modne kuće Victoria Secret.
Svake godine se postavljaju veći ciljevi nego prethodne i uspevaju u tome da naprave najneverovatniju žurku na pisti. Ova revija je nešto što se mora videti. Ne postoji ništa slično. U pitanju je jedinstveni, neverovatni sou, sa divnim scenskim efektima, najluksuznijim nakitom, seksipilnim vešom, i jednim od najlepših žena sveta.
Kao i svake godine, program je podeljen na segmente. Ovogodišnje teme ili segmenti, bili su: Britanska Invazija, Rajske ptice, Brodolom, Pink mreža, Pariske noći i Snežni andjeli. A čast da nosi ovogodisnji ''Fantasy Bra'' (''Pre svake revije, Victoria Secret angažuje poznatog dizajnera nakita, kako bi napravio poseban grudnjak koji se koristi za promociju i predstavlja vrhunac modne revije''-Wikipedia) je pripala Candice Swanepoel.
Do 10-og decembra (kada će šou biti emitovan), uživajte u slikama...

Image source: CBS

Be Happy and Enjoy life,


  1. so amazing!

  2. Que guapas y que divertido ha tenido que ser!

    Mil besos^^

  3. wow the show is fabulous!:) and all the models look gorgeous!♥ I follow you on bloglovin,google+ and I liked your facebook page with my personal account (petra lorencová)♥ you can follow my blog too if you'd like;) kisses!

    Lorietta Facebook page

    Lorietta Bloglovin profile

  4. Every girls dream!!

